The Essentials of Protein
Did you know the human body makes and uses 50,000 unique proteins to build the cells of organs, nerves, muscles and flesh? Did you know that in order to build these proteins the body uses just 22 amino acids. Did you know that 8 of these amino acids are considered essential meaning the human body cannot make them? When all the essential amino acids are present, the human body is able to build the nonessential amino acids it needs. In addition to this, some individuals cannot build certain nonessential amino acids such as taurine and carnitine. Individuals must gather these essential amino acids through their diet.
Protein is absolutely necessary for healthy growth, building hormones, proper blood clot formation and milk production in nursing mothers. Proteins also help balance the acidity and alkalinity of our tissues and blood. We need to maintain a balanced acid/alkaline level in our bodies in order to be able to assimilate and utilize the nutrients we take in. Balance is key. The body must take in all of the essential amino acids in order to be able to use any of them. Plant sources are low in one or more of the essential amino acids and all plant foods are low in Tryptophan, Cystine and Threonine at least two of which are classified essential amino acids.
Animal proteins are a complete source of protein containing all of the essential amino acids and many nonessential amino acids. An egg contains all 22 amino acids. That’s incredible! I’m so glad God created chickens and eggs!
There is uncertainty being infiltrated into our dietary belief system about whether or not animal proteins are essential. There are many diets that restrict or eliminate animal protein completely that are gaining popularity today. I believe all whole foods are important for different purposes. Healthy food choices should be a part of every child’s education. My children love learning why certain foods are healthy for them. Strong and healthy kids build strong and healthy communities.
Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. - Romans 14:3
Nutrition facts taken from “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon