Beef, Pork, Chicken and Eggs
Our customers love the flavor of our beef. Our beef is hormone and dye free. We do not push our animals to grow fast. It is a completely natural product raised in an ethical manner. This is a picture of our beef tenderloin steak.
We feed our cows an all natural diet, grazing them on the land as much as possible. We believe that feeding them a variety of forages etc. makes our meat more nutrient dense benefiting the human race as well.
Our customers love how lean our ground beef is. It shrinks very little. It is a quality product with good flavor. If you’re interested in a package deal and ordering your own cuts, contact us about ordering a whole or half beef. We have frozen beef available all year round. Contact us to arrange a purchase.
We raise our pork outside as much as we can from weanling size to butcher size for a clean smelling pork meat. In the coldest months of Winter we house the pigs in the barn. In the Spring, Summer and Fall they are free to be pigs living their best life in the shade of the oak trees.
We pasture our pigs as much as we can during the summer so they can root around and eat grass, grubs, tree shoots, branches, acorns, etc. on top of their allotment of grain each day. The result is fabulous flavor that our customers love. This is a picture of our porkchops.
Hungry for delicious and nutritious pork meat for grilling? Make an order today!
We have frozen pork available all year round and will have live pigs available for butcher in the fall.

Are you hungry for tasty chicken? Pastured chicken is especially delicious. They feed on bugs, grass, seeds, etc. besides their daily allotment of grain. They are very happy doing what chickens do and scratching the dirt for juicy grubs. They are moved often so they have access to fresh grass. Limited availability. Contact me for availability and pricing.
Eggs (Unavailable at this time)
Eggs are so healthy for humans. It is truly a whole breakfast giving you extra brainpower and energy to go about your day. It is a complete supplement for your body. This is a picture of our eggs from 2021.
We have our birds out on the land as much as possible so they can scratch in the dirt, eat bugs, grass and do what chickens do. They give back to the soil by leaving their deposits and aerating the soil.
The egg yolks turn bright orange in the summer time with all the extra vitamin D they receive. It is so yummy and nutritious.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
— Hippocrates